Nonprofit Technology Resources

Suggested Links

Philadelphia Keyspots - Offers free computer classes, web access, and 1-on-1 training at multiple locations in Philadelphia.

Internet Essentials from Comcast - Internet Essentials from Comcast offers low-cost Internet service, discounted computer equipment and free digital literacy training to families with at least one child eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program. In addition, effective October 2015, Comcast launched two trial programs, expanding
Internet Essentials to eligible seniors and community college students in limited markets.

Wikidelphia - The Wikidelphiaâ„¢ wiki is primarily a crowd-sourced, categorized index to websites. It aims to answer the question, "What are the people of the Philadelphia region doing to help themselves, their neighbors and their communities?" shapes communities and bridges the digital divide by providing the Boundless Opportunities of high-speed (4G LTE), affordable Internet service, affordable mobile phone service, and free technology education.

The Hacktory provides classes and events that build our mission to inspire and empower people to use technology for their own personal expression.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I donate my old computer/electronics?

Here are 5 places in Philly to donate your old electronics

Where can I recycle my electronics in Philadelphia?

Philadelphia's Sanitation Convenience Centers can accept E-waste, including computers, monitors, televisions, and other computer-related equipment
